Join our email group CSA this year. No money up front, a pay-as-you-go type of program with access to fresh vegetables and grass fed beef all summer long of your choice. You simply apply by sending us your email and we will put you in our CSA Email Group and you will get an email each week with a bit about the farm activity that week and the list of available produce with a price list. You reply to the email with your choice of vegetables and meat and the day that you can come to the farm in Stoughton to pick it up and pay when you get here. We have a little hut at the end of our driveway that we will have your food ready in a bag with your name on it and a box for you to leave the money. We prefer cash and will accept checks. Our first available produce is usually in May starting with asparagus, lettuce, spinach and pac choi. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at parisifamilyfarm@gmail.com.